atomic mass
- 原子质量

Study on the numerical calculation of relative atomic mass
I already showed you the atomic mass .
Large Translation of Atomic Mass Center Momentum in Quantum Micro Cavity
An Improvement to the Apparatus for Measuring the Relative Atomic Mass of Magnesium
And I will go even further and will predict what its atomic mass is .
And this is called the atomic mass .
Uncertainty Analysis of Absolute Measurement of Isotopic Abundances and Relative Atomic Mass
Why are mass numbers more than atomic mass
It has an atomic mass of two deuterium .
And he was very proficient at measuring atomic mass .
Early chemists had to use indirect means for determining the atomic mass of an element .
You can plot data for a range of elements for properties like the density or the atomic mass .
Atomic mass unit and kilogram conversion tables
( physics , chemistry ) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight .
The elements , if arranged according to their atomic mass , exhibit an evident periodicity of properties .
Mendeleev is the one who taught us that the properties of the elements are a function of the atomic mass .
It is a double column , You can see , it starts with hydrogen and goes to mercury in ascending order of atomic mass .
This is12.011 grams per mole or12.011 atomic mass units , AMU .
And he found that the middle member of the triad had an atomic mass that was midway between the atomic masses of the end members .
The results show that the motion of atomic mass centre leads to the periodic evolution of the dynamics of the field phase and this period depends on the field mode structure parameter .
The radiation damage of ( 100 ) Si implanted at room temperature by As_2 ~ + andAs ~ + at the same energy for atomic mass unit are compared .
I mean , the atom has a tiny mass , too , but what we are saying is compared to the totaled atomic mass , the mass of the electron is tiny .
And so you can look , for example , at the Periodic Table And , if you look up the atomic mass of carbon , 011 you will see that carbon comes at12.011 for carbon .
Any element-specific physical signal can be exploited for the identification of atoms in the material , these are the atomic mass , electronic energy levels , nuclear spin and even the local electronic density of states at surface , etc.
He saw that if you take the atomic mass of chlorine , 2 add it to the atomic mass of iodine , divide by two , you get something that is really close to the atomic mass of bromine .
And the other thing to point out , which I don 't know if this is true or not , but does anyone know & well that 's part 's true , does anyone know what the atomic mass of lithium is ?
The effects of the motion of atomic mass centre and field mode structure on the dynamics of the field phase in the Jaynes Cummings model are discussed by means of the Hermitian phase formulas of Pegg and Barnett .
Some mass quantities and their units in mass spectrometry are introduced , including mass and weight , relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass , mass of atom and mass of molecule , atomic mass unit , unified atomic mass constant and molar mass .
Some New Techniques of the Vapor Generation Sampling for Atomic Optical / Mass Spectroscopy
Electrothermal Vaporization Atomic Spectrometry / Mass Spectrometry for Trace Analysis